How to Best Handle Parking Dispute with Unclear Signage

TLDR: I received several Auckland Council parking fines due to unclear signage and need advice on whether to plead guilty or not guilty when further disputing them.

I got multiple fines while parking outside a building with no visible parking signs. I've disputed the fines via Auckland Transport. Now I’m unsure if I should dispute in District Could and plead guilty or not guilty.

  1. I started a new job at a building on 110 Carlton Gore Road - the building is circa 18 months new.
  2. Outside the building are 5–6 roadside parking bays that everyone believed were free, as there is not one single parking sign on the entire block).
  3. I typically enter Carlton Gore Road from Morgan Street - the only sign I ever see is the paid parking ENDS sign just before turning out of Morgan Street onto Carlton Gore Road.
  4. The parking officer’s notes claim the nearest sign was between 72–128 metres behind my vehicle.
  5. I disputed the fines, but Auckland Transport upheld them and immediately referred them to Baycorp as at the time of their response the due date had breeched (I disputed on the 3rd and heard back on 20th January).