As a white person, is “Jew” the respectful term to use?

Growing up in my white family, I was always taught by my parents (who have always tried to be as progressive as possible) that it was offensive to refer to Jewish people as ‘Jews’ and that I was supposed to always say “Jewish people.” They described it as the same idea of how referring to black people as ‘blacks’ is offensive.

However, I am now taking courses at university where my white professors, as well as our readings, all say ‘Jew’ and am feeling quite conflicted. Am I, as a white person, supposed to say ‘Jews’ or ‘Jewish people’ if i am trying to be as respectful as I can? I want to make sure I am not inadvertently speaking with any microaggressions.

Edit: Thank you all for your responses! I can’t respond to everyone but I’m trying my best to read every comment and learn from your perspectives, and will continue to. I appreciate the kindness most of you have shown me here! ❤️