Don’t matter to mee but people are startin to tell me I’m weird/have a problem😭😔…Reassurance plzzz & either way imma do me & Just got some more for my collection 🥰Hehe

Hi Guys I need some reassurance if ya don’t mind😭! Just wondering I have started collecting quite a few Jellycats but just was wondering if anyone thinks that this company is a good investment in the long while??? I’ve had a few people bug me actually cuz they compare the brand to Beanie Babies and saying that you’re just losing your money😡…obviously I try not to let it affect me but I just need some feel good words saying that it’s ok to invest and collect Jellycats instead of making me feel bad saying I’m wasting my money on plushies lol..Anyways I just want to show off what I have/am getting coming and can’t wait for my collection to grow way more!!🥹🫶🏼