GFI scam …

Hello all, I was recently coerced into accepting a “position” with Global Financial Impact. Mind you, I was introduced by a friend. So here I am thinking, they wouldn’t put me in a position where I wouldn’t succeed. Since then, I’ve dug deeper in research as the agents seem to be DIE hard GFI ambassadors. Every meeting I’ve been to has felt like I’m trying to be sold to work with them. I, regretfully, paid the $199 to have access to studying materials to gain my life insurance license. I, regretfully again, made an account with them because it was apart of “onboarding week 2” because “would you go to the dentist if he has no teeth?”, “we want clients to feel comfortable knowing our agents have been through the same process”. I wish I seen the signs earlier. I am very young and I 100% believe that’s why I was targeted so hard. My question is how do I get out? What do I say? How do I end my monthly premium payments? What about all of my information I’ve shared with them (SSN + account+routing #) Any help is appreciated!! I’m just disappointed in myself for falling for it.