How the fuck did you read Autobiography of a Yogi ?!!

I'm fuckin frustrated trying to read this shit. How yall read this shit? I'm struggling to read even a page.

Every sentence he writes in sophisticated ways to make it like something great which makes it even boring. Even when the sentence can be written in simple beautiful sentence he uses wierd jargon which is not at all matching to the sentence.

It's so frustrating to read about his shit guru and his power🤮. I mean there is a limit. He says the same shit again and again and again to convey the same shit. How many times is he praising his guru in a very boring way.

Sometimes I feel like I wanna hit the shit out of him. Never read a more boring book before!

How yall finished this ? Only reason I'm reading this is because lots of people have recommended this and praise this book and I feel like it would turn to be good at the end.

I just want to rant lol.

I don't have friends who read a lot. So I'm taking out my frustration here. I'm trying and I will complete it no matter what.