Increase in roast issues in coffees across Indian roasters

I have been noticing an increase in the number of roast defects in coffees across different Indian roasters lately! Wanted to know if others have been observing this too, and what might be causing it?

Few years ago, the number of coffee bags I received having some roast defect (like underdeveloped roast, stalled or baked roast, etc.) were probably 1 out of 15. Given the complexities involved in production, processing and roasting coffee, such shortcomings or issues are completely understandable. And roasters have been super proactive and helpful to rectify the problem, barring say one or two instances for me personally.

But over the last 8 months or so, I've been noticing that many of the beans I've ordered are having issues with the roast profile! Around 5 out of my last 8 orders have had a problem of the roast being underdeveloped or baked, leading to a flat cup. No amount of resting or recipe tweaking has solved this. And this issue hasn't been limited to any one roaster in particular, but have seen this play out across multiple roasters, some of whom have been super reliable and consistent in the past!

Has anyone else been experiencing this too? Would love to get some insights and opinions from people who work in specialty coffee, to better understand this situation!