30 years young. Determined. And exited to start a career in IT

I have a high school diploma. I worked the last ten years at places like Guitar Center, Starbucks, Joan’s warehouse, T-Mobile. But I found myself stuck with room for vertical growth or improvement. It sounds silly but I would love a job like the office. Yes the show.

I wasn’t let go or fired from any jobs. But I don’t keep in contact with some of my old managers. My professors will most likely be my references. And on my resume I’m planning to just put my education (planning to get my B.A in Computer Information Systems).

My question is what are some realistic job opportunities I could look forward to after graduating? I live in California, but in a more rural area central Cali. Ag is big. But tech isn’t so much.

My dream is to be behind a desk with Job security and experience. Dressing nice, maybe over time I could work from home. Thank you for reading this far, I know a lot of posts are like this but all our stories are unique.