Why would aliens invade Earth

There was a joke about how if aliens take over the planet people wouldn't mind and might even feel relieved(cause the world is already shit with climate crisis and broken economy and politics).

That got me thinking, why would aliens conquer this planet? What would be the motive? What does Earth have that would not only draw their attention but make them launch an invasion? From what I have learned the resources that are found on Earth aren't limited to this planet. They could be found in abundance elsewhere in space. Water included. There's no point in travelling vast distances to invade some inhabited planet in one corner of the galaxy when millions of asteroids and moons can be mined.

And why would aliens enslave humans and force us to work? Species that has gained the power to overcome the speed of light and cross interstellar space would surely have technology that makes menial labor by primates completely obsolete. Aliens supposedly can wield levitation and molecular manipulation and teleportation and all other sorts of fantastical technology. Humans aren't even particularly good as work force.

If the purpose is to observe and study humans and other lifeforms on Earth, aren't they already doing that, what with UFO/UAP all over the globe.

So with their advanced science fiction magic and considering the fact that the galaxy is full of resources why would aliens invade Earth of all places? It feels like a pretty anthropocentric notion. Is there reason to believe that aliens would use violent force to invade, conquer, suppress and destroy other lifeforms at all? The idea is derived from the fact that humans and other organisms on Earth do so. And thus aliens must exhibit the same behavior. But what if that's simply not the case. What if they had achieved a greater state of consciousness, higher level of spirituality(or whatever one would like to call it) that eliminates primitive instincts of that kind?

I read an old science fiction book by Olaf Stapledon titled Star Maker. And one of memorable ideas explored in the book was a civilization of symbiotic creatures. They form mental/spiritual bond/connection with one another to exist in complete harmony and from that arises an unified consciousness. The various species go through wars and disorder and the usual obstacles in order to get there but they do get there.

If the aliens have reached technological level far beyond our world it doesn't seem far-fetched to speculate that they may have reached greater level in metaphysical aspects of their existence as well. The concept of invasion and conquest might be bizarre and even unconceivable to them. And its not like this sort of greater mental state is unknown to us. People who practice Buddhism or Hinduism or other belief systems that put emphasis on higher plane of consciousness strive to achieve that state. Perhaps that's even the ultimate goal of any sentient species. If ascending to such higher plane on species level is possible then wouldn't that be desirable?

Maybe that's all optimistic speculation about intelligent lifeforms and aliens are hostile to us. But as one comment jokingly said, if they do invade our world, at this point it might as well be a rescue mission lol