Noob Squad needs advice for Automoton Loadout

Dear fellow Divers,

we are a noob squad, which try to get back in the game. We had a break of around 2 Months and got CRUSHED by the automotons. Our Goal is to survive Level 6 and extract super samples. The defend missions are easly doable, but only provide green samples. So we try to make normal 40 minute missions

*The Squad\*

Grumpy (Me) - decent Aim

  • Warpons: Plasma Punisher, Grenade Pistol, Stun Grenade
  • Armor: Medic Medium
  • Strategems: Heavy Machine Gun, Supply Backpack, Precision Strike, Air Strike
  • Booster: Stim

Sniper - decent aim

  • Warpons: Counter Diligence, Redeemer, Impact Nade
  • Armor: Medic Medium
  • Strategems: Autocannon, EAT, Gas Strike, Air Strike
  • Booster: running

Nanny - no aim

  • Warpons: Counter Diligence, Redeemer, Impact Nade
  • Armor: Medium ?
  • Strategems: Autocannon, MG Sentry, Precision Strike, Air Strike
  • Booster: vitality

Maniac - bad aim

  • Warpons: Dominator, Senator, Impact Nade
  • Armor: Medium ?
  • Strategems: Autocannon, Sentry, Precision Strike, Air Strike
  • Booster: deployment ammo

We had many troubles:

  • the tower which deactivates the strategems cost us many lives. Storming the place without strategems was suizid. Could we destroy from distance?
  • Biggest issues, where we need advice how to handle them:
    • Flamethrower Devestators - they won't come down and fucking fast...
    • Tanks: Are they only destroyable from the back?
    • Gunships: Are they destroyable with primaries?


  1. Has the remaining fabrics some impact in the spawn rates? Try to destroy them all before mission or ignore first?
  2. Some tips for better loadouts?
  3. Since to of us have bad aim, what primaries could you advice against bots?
  4. Rocket Pod Strike seems to miss. Tried it against tanks, but tanks seemed unimpressed
  5. The amount of enemies are overwhelming. I feel, that we are overcommitting. Destroying dropships isn't working for us - we are to slow, that the enemies are already deployed...
  6. Any tips are welcome!

Thanks for everyone, which helps us to get better! ;-)