Helldivers 2 simply WON'T launch. I tried everything..
Watched 30 minutes videos on how to fix it. Visual C++ stuff, verified game files, unistalled and reinstalled, restarted PC, ran as admin, did the whole firewall and windows security stuff. Ran it as admin through the actual game folders itself. NOTHING worked. I don't understand why this is the only game I've ever been genuinely frustrated to even just start playing. No other game has this. Why does this happen even in the first place, especially even after a FULL Reinstall? Something's wrong and I can't find out why. I spent the past 3 hours trying to get it fixed - then waited for the reinstall - I wasted my whole night trying to get this sorted.
I'm issuing a refund since nothing seems to work. I'm EXTREMELY BEYOND upset at how this went, watching my friends be able to play except me when we planned to play together. And I can't. There is no solution to this for me. I'm pissed. I was looking forward to this game. Fuck this.
EDIT 23RD FEBRUARY: I still have not found a solution and I am completely losing hope. Redownloaded the game in hopes they fixed it. Nothing has been fixed. I don't know what to do. None of the suggestions in the comments has helped me unfortunately either. I can't see why they'd put the game in this state where many have the same problems. This is not okay.
EDIT 26TH FEBRUARY: Sometimes the stupidest solution is the one that makes most sense. I cleared steam download cache and got microsoft visual c++ 2012 Version. You need to get the 2012 version and.. it just WORKED.