HE1000 Stealth coming from ZMF and the best price for them?
During the pandemic I had owned the HE1000SE and Susvara. The HE1000SE was just too bright and I have no interest in spending 3500-4000 on a Susvara + get into the amp rabbit-hole right now.
The HE1000 stealth is a great option but I'm just concerned it'll have the same issues as the HE1000SE, the measurements look very close below 9k although people have said during listening they are noticeably more relaxed. Wanted to open up this discussion and see if anyone had any thoughts or experiences to share.
The official store's refurb prices are attractive and I can pick up an HE1000 Stealth for $1059 right now. I've not kept up with sales and I might wait for Black Friday if they will run bigger sales.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
edit: Chain is Bifrost 2 OG -> Pietus