What's your favorite HIMYM Theory and why?

HIMYM is loved for its plot, character development, and its crazy theories (that sometimes are way too real)

My top 3 (out of my own experience):

1) Crazy eyes 👀

I once dated a girl, she had crazy eyes, ik it the first instance I saw it. But I wanted to test it out. Long story short: within 1 week of dating her, she started talking about how our kids would look like. My recommendation: Run as fast as you can, when you see it. P.s. we were only 19 then.

2) Nothing good ever happens after 2AM

I could have saved so much trouble by following this rule. My young adult mind couldn't get this one, which led me to stupid descisions like

A. overthink things about the loml, and eventually break up with her. B. say yes to a girl just because she told me that she will get me tickets to dog fest. (We never went there, I broke up with her in 2 weeks) C. drink a whole bottle of Jack Daniels as a dare, nothing good could come of it.

3) Hot-Crazy scale

I fear this as much I love it. It's true. I lost interest when she crossed the line and said she wanted my kids (the same crazy eyes girl) ...way too crazy for me. The other time I went on a first date and she gave me her upi pin and her phone... Instantly the glass shattered.

That's my take, what's yours?