Grieving what is to come
(30)F and my dad 65(m) was admitted to the ICU 15 days ago and has been sedated and on a ventilator since. It started as the flu which turned into bilateral pneumonia. Since then he has been air lifted to an advanced hospital in hopes he would be able to receive ECHMO. Unfortunately the severity of his lungs and kidneys would not be able to withstand this treatment. Infact these doctors are saying they are not even sure which kind of infection he has. Anyway, since he has been in the hospital he has been heavily sedated and he is mostly on life support now. I have been there to visit him as much as I can. Holding his hand and talking with him. Doctors say there is an incredibly slim chance he will survive. It has been really hard on me to sit there time after time and the hospital is so far away. I’m just really feeling so guilty he’s there alone at times. I’m so grateful he’s not suffering I’m just torturing myself by being there sometimes and missing time from work etc. I’m not sure how much time is left for him and I’m just wondering if anyone has any advice or coping strategies. What would you do? What have you done?