You’re not perfect

I see a weird amount of people on this subreddit who’ll immediately assume there’s a bug in the game if a customer doesn’t like their order, as if they’re incapable of making mistakes.

You’re not perfect. It’s very easy to misread something and forget the right sauce or an ingredient. I still make mistakes at almost 700 days, and my first thought when the customer refunds the pizza isn’t “My game must be bugged.”, it’s that I did something wrong and I didn’t realize. Either you put the wrong sauce, you put the wrong ingredient, or you didn’t put enough of the correct ingredient.

I feel like it’s so disrespectful toward the creators of the game to assume their game is broken just because you made the customer’s pizza wrong and can’t accept that. Tons of people never run into issues while playing, it isn’t the game, it’s you.

The wiki exists and is helpful for when you aren’t sure what an order includes. It has all of the recipes in the game, so there’s no reason to come on here claiming the game is bugged when you can check the wiki and figure out what you did wrong.