I really hate how weak thor’s kids are

I hate how weak thor’s kids are

Let’s start with thurd i will give slack because she is around atraus age and he’s not as powerful as his father (if he doesn’t shapeshift) so i don’t expect thrud to be either, but with her having his powers getting his hammer and my get some valkyrie training she could honestly be as powerful as him one day but only time will tell if SM will make another game.

Magni and modi are the most disappointing like they are 1,000s of years older the baldur (who is not only there uncle but also 100 year old) and he is more powerful than them. Kratos struggled why harder on all of odins kids than thor’s, if they were to fight any of there uncles Heimdal, tyr, or baldur they would have been killed too.

It seems like odins power dilutes as the generation goes or thor is not training them at all (which is mostly) because seeing there uncles and father fighting kratos compared to them i can see why odin called them useless.