10 Year Trade ban.
So i just got trade banned over night. No obvious reason to me. I already contacted Steam-Support. I was wondering if some of you guys had / have the same problem? The only thing remote to being scam related is that i've sent a few lowballing offers, but i clearly stated in the description of the trade, that they should send me their best possible offer in response. Does that make me a scammer? Could it also be a overwatch ban? Any experiences?
Edit: Link to "Lowballer" trades with statement in comments: http://imgur.com/a/prm1W
I think there will be alot of controversy going on in this thread. I'm just gonna state here and now that I'm no scammer and my +reps are legit. I don't judge anybody by there opinion. I'm just mentioning this here for the people that trust me.
Here's my full 17 pages of my trade history: http://imgur.com/a/nDb8b
Here's my profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/gr8_b8_m8_r8_8_out_of_8/