AITA for losing my virginity?

My (19F) first boyfriend “Bean” and I dated in high school, then broke up after about a year. He was my first love, and I his. We stayed friends ever since, and we really reconnected recently, which has been amazing. All those old familiar feelings came rushing back.

The other night, I lost my virginity to him. It was spur of the moment, but great - he was so nice throughout, and made it a memorable first time. We even decided on a song to be “our song” afterwards - “Candy Man” (you had to be there). It was perfect.

The problem is he is currently seeing someone, “Tinsley” (19F). He said they are pretty much over - it’s clear she’s not a good fit for him. She constantly nags him, and makes him work all the time, while she lazes about at home. But he hasn’t actually gotten around to ending it yet.

My mom says I am TA because he’s technically not single yet. But I think it’s good that my first time was with someone who really loves me - my Bean. He’s going to break it off with Tinsley anyway.

AITA for losing my virginity to a great guy who loves me?