Little things that have changed in 20 years

On one of my rewatches rn, and in S4Ep5, Rory turned down a dinner date from a classmate at Yale. When explaining to Lorelai why she turned him down, she said that she found it odd how he "carries a bottle of water around with him all the time." I've seen a bit of discussion online in the last year about how prior to the last few years, it wasn't commonplace to carry around water with you everywhere. I remember growing up in the late 90s and 2000s I actually used to get teased a bit at school because my mom used to pack a bottle of water for me; it was considered nerdy (that and a few other things we do today).

It was just funny to notice this old mindset and think about how many little things have changed. Aside from the obvious, technology/social media, what are some other little things that would probably blow the characters' minds about the 2020s?