Gifted extroverts that are great with people, where are you?

I see a lot of posts here from introverted people struggling to make friends. Is there anyone here who is gifted but also an extrovert?

I never believed I was gifted because I wasn’t a straight-A student. However, I’ve always been good at expressing myself, understanding others, empathizing, and making friends. I moved around a lot, but making new friends was never an issue. I’ve always learned things quickly, been curious about different topics, and enjoyed exploring new ideas.

For a long time, I thought I just had ADHD, and I was diagnosed with it. But last year, my therapist pointed out that I show many signs of giftedness. That thought had never crossed my mind because I always associated giftedness with the stereotype of the introverted genius who struggles with social interactions and excels in math and physics. (Ironically, I’m an engineer, even though I’ve always found math challenging.)

So, is there anyone here who is also extroverted, happy with life, and loves being around people?