It was MTV's fault...

Remember before MTV? The fundamental process of listening to music, I mean.

When you got a new record, what did you do? You listened to it. Ok, but you LISTENED to the record. That was the action. There wasn't any visual stimulation, no any other stimulation.

The only way we incorporated other senses was at concerts (mostly. I hear some people had friends that they did stuff with? IDK about that but bare with me) and concerts were a 5 senses experience. They lasted (hopefully) at least 2 hours. They were a commitment.

There wasn't any in-between.

Then MTV gave us mini chunks of concerts, basically. Short, non committed, music immersion.

Flash forward, tiktok. I think we might have to take some of this blame if we're being honest.

Just my random shower thought. Thanks for coming to my Ted talk. There's ring pops and frosted flakes in the lobby.