On the Path to Healing (8 months)
Gastritis started for me in Dec of 2023 and it has been one of the worst things I have ever lived through (and something I didn’t think I would survive. At my lowest I was 81 pounds, couldn’t swallow solids, and had a burning stomach regardless of what I ate, I was suicidal. I started the strict gastritis diet in Jan but still did not get better until I started medication. After months of trial and error, in March I began taking Vonoprazan, mirtazepine, and lexapro. The Vonoprazan took away the burning in my stomach, mirtazepine helped me eat more/gain weight, and the REAL healing began with lexapro. I’ve slowly been introducing more food since June, and now I can drink a matcha latte daily, decaf coffee, chocolate chip pancakes, brownies, marinated meat, cannoli, cheeses, breads, cooked onion and garlic. I’m starting to live again and give all the credit to this gastritis subreddit for the valuable advice. Early next year I hope to introduce alcohol for special occasions only. I know I will never mistreat my stomach again and I realize I may flare up one day in the future, but I’m happy to be where I am right now.
Gastritis started for me in Dec of 2023 and it has been one of the worst things I have ever lived through (and something I didn’t think I would survive. At my lowest I was 81 pounds, couldn’t swallow solids, and had a burning stomach regardless of what I ate, I was suicidal. I started the strict gastritis diet in Jan but still did not get better until I started medication. After months of trial and error, in March I began taking Vonoprazan, mirtazepine, and lexapro. The Vonoprazan took away the burning in my stomach, mirtazepine helped me eat more/gain weight, and the REAL healing began with lexapro. I’ve slowly been introducing more food since June, and now I can drink a matcha latte daily, decaf coffee, chocolate chip pancakes, brownies, marinated meat, cannoli, cheeses, breads, cooked onion and garlic. I’m starting to live again and give all the credit to this gastritis subreddit for the valuable advice. Early next year I hope to introduce alcohol for special occasions only. I know I will never mistreat my stomach again and I realize I may flare up one day in the future, but I’m happy to be where I am right now.