BestBuy broke my Fold4 while replacing the screen protector under warranty

Took my fold in to get the screen protector replaced for free under warranty at Best Buy because they're an authorized repair center. Said it would be a 2 hour job. Not only did they break my screen, but they did a shit job at the screen protector replacement. Inner screen only works occasionally now and had lines through it. The rep legit said "good news is we got the screen protector on, bad news is the screen has lines through it now."

I have to wait a 4 days for them to get parts and the guy said the only fold they tried fixing, they ended up breaking more. Sick. I also can't opt for a replacement device, and he said I might want to go through Samsung directly. Should I try that? I feel like I'm risking them saying I damaged it and would rather Best Buy fix it so if they inevitably fuck it up even more, they're liable.
