Excruciating lower back pain since 4 weeks. Best spine doctor in Gainesville?

4 weeks ago I went to ER for strong pain on the lower back, I could barely walk. Took CT scan, suggested physical therapy. Felt better after a shot. Two weeks after I recovered and felt good. But right after feeling good I pulled my back again after coughing while bent to pick up something. Now stuck since two weeks with no sign of improvement. Went biweekly to chiropractor and PT in the past 4 weeks, taking Naproxen daily but no sign of improvement. Who is a very good doctor in the Gainesville area? I am really miserable. My CT scan results are copied below.


L1-L2-L3: Disc is normal in height and contour. No central stenosis. No foraminal stenosis. The facets are preserved.

L4-L5: Mild degenerative disc bulging at this level without central stenosis or foraminal stenosis

L5-S1: The disk is degenerated with a peripherally calcified left posterolateral protruding disk which potentially is affecting the left S1 nerve root. No foraminal stenosis.