Epic: please help console users by changing combined reload / use

TLDR: Epic games, please make changes to the combined reload / use button on consoles.

If you can be be bothered reading my full winge about this:

I know I'm not the first person to complain about this and I cannot believe nothing has been done about it.

I'm am so sick of trying to reload in the middle of a fight and swapping my gun for something on the ground, or worse, accidentally starting to revive my partner and dying before I realise what has happened and can break away from the revive and get to cover.

It seems like there's a number of easy solutions such as: - different buttons for 'reload' and 'use' - combining 'use' with a different button (e.g. 'toggle pickaxe' ) - adjust the hold delay for 'use' (my settings say "use (hold)", but it's either a lie or the hold delay is so short that it's essentially instant) - have single press for 'reload', double press for 'use' - 'reload' by default and only 'use' if your gun is reloaded/out of ammo (this would probably be the easiest thing) - implement multiple solutions and let players customise

(On a side note, is there a quick easy way to cancel a revive? Once I'm reviving I can't move away and it takes a few seconds of me trying to walk away before it actually stops the revive and moves normally)