How to optimize cash holdings?

First time, long time. What are some strategies y'all use to maximize returns on cash (i.e. cash in checking, HYSA, T-Bills, CDs, etc)? Do you switch to the best HYSA every 6-12 months? Any golden rules on how much to keep in checking v HYSA v CDs/T-Bills?

I've basically kept 70% of my available cash in a HYSA (5%) since January; before that I literally had everything sitting in my old checkings/savings earning effectively 0%. I now keep 10% in checking (and I move cash in/out of the HYSA to pay for CC bills, etc.) and the remaining 20% in T-Bills or CDs. I don't need much liquidity so I could probably increase the amount sitting in CDs... but curious how y'all tend to optimize for your cash. Any advice appreciated!