Thanks To All Rep Sellers ✅

as my city is beginning to shut down , I’m only now realizing what type of pressure rep sellers went through during the quarantine as we been in quarantine for a few days now which I can say has been the longest 3 days I ever spent lol, no matter what you do it eventually becomes boring and annoying after a few hours, even when I went out a few days ago, water, canned foods and snacks were all sold out, I have a nice box of ramen and Mac n’ cheese and about 2 cases of water 😂 You gotta give it up to the sellers for keeping up with communication and taking a fat risk going out to ship out packages etc; Thank you 🙏🏽 guess we gotta get creative with all this time

edit : shout out everyone else helping and putting themselves on the front line , doctors , nurses , cops and store workers : cashiers etc; make sure to follow necessary steps to stay safe and get tested 🙏🏽 for everyone else at home stay safe ❤️✅