Can someone recommend a less frustrating series.
I've been going through a ton of fantasy series as it's what I listen in my car or the gym etc...
I've read Storm light series and Mistborn
Wheel of time
Red rising
Gentlemen Bastards
The Joe Abercrombie books (forgot the name)
Lately I can't seem to find something that doesn't annoy me even when I can see its well written. I got to book 2 of Malazan but it's so many characters and plots I feel like I need to take a break and read summaries after I finish the books.
I started the farseer trilogy and although I enjoy it somewhat I keep getting annoyed at the plot where it seems people are acting uncharacteristically obtuse in order to push the plot forward.
Can someone suggest some easy to digest adventure or even grittier series or book I can try?
EDIT: wow thank you for all the great suggestions I will definitely be checking a lot of these out!