Unpopular opinion
This is going to be an unpopular opinion. If the Enneagram has helped you to become happier and more emotionally healthy then great. Please continue to use it. However, does anyone else feel like each of the Enneagram types describes a really horrible person, whose main motive for everything they do is how they dealt with the way their childhood messed them up? I feel that sometimes people do things for practicality, or because they want to, or they genuinely want other people to be happy, or something else to do with their value system. There isn't just one core desire, fear and so on. Even if humans didn't have numerous different reasons for why they do things, why does the Enneagram have to be so negative about everyone? I feel that the Enneagram considers all people to be different shades of selfish, due to being different shades of emotionally defective. I wish it was more positive. People are more complex than this.
Edit: I've changed my mind on this subject after reading other people's comments. I no longer feel the same way written above. However, I'm leaving this post up because the discission is interesting. I like reading different people's opinions on this.