‘Messmer’ is most likely Miquella

This theory is based mostly on the assumption that he and Marika are the most important characters in the DLC. The only logical guess I have here is that Miquella is split in a manner very similar to his parents…. The red and blond hair dichotomy, and the mildly similar (yet altered) designs are striking evidence for the purposes of this comparison. Perhaps miquella’s solution to solve his eternal youth and innocence was to split himself much like marika.

This would make sense of why he followed her past into the land of shadow, because creating a secondary self could have been the cure to his ailment. But this came at a cost. He is effectively split into one being of pure malice, and one being of pure innocence. Chaos and order. The last frame of the trailer could represent Miquella’s internal conflict too, with the player character resembling Miquella’s good and Messmer representing his corruption. It seems very much like Yin and Yang.

In addition, perhaps the snake imagery is making a different allegory than Rykard imagery here. These snake don’t seem to be designed in a similar vain to Rykard, and they are relatively normal sized snakes. This could be calling back to the tale of Adam and Eve, fusing the first and second part of the story together. Miquella is “biting the Apple” by splitting himself, unleashing his dark form in the creation of his counterpart.

Effectively, the game will have to tell us if this is a cure or curse for Miquella. We have to remember, this game likes alliterative names to show relationships. Messmer starts with ‘m’ like marika, morgott, mohg, malenia, and miquella, so it’s safe to suggest that he is a spawn of Marika in some sense.

I don’t claim this theory doesn’t have some holes, like why would Messmer’s irises be similar to the ones shown in Rykard’s followers, and there are plenty of reasons that this character could be separate from anyone else in the story as well.

Anyway.. do discuss in the comments! At any rate, this character will be really fun to meet and fight, so do share your opinions on him here if you wish.

This theory is based mostly on the assumption that he and Marika are the most important characters in the DLC. The only logical guess I have here is that Miquella is split in a manner very similar to his parents…. The red and blond hair dichotomy, and the mildly similar (yet altered) designs are striking evidence for the purposes of this comparison. Perhaps miquella’s solution to solve his eternal youth and innocence was to split himself much like marika.

This would make sense of why he followed her past into the land of shadow, because creating a secondary self could have been the cure to his ailment. But this came at a cost. He is effectively split into one being of pure malice, and one being of pure innocence. Chaos and order. The last frame of the trailer could represent Miquella’s internal conflict too, with the player character resembling Miquella’s good and Messmer representing his corruption. It seems very much like Yin and Yang.

In addition, perhaps the snake imagery is making a different allegory than Rykard imagery here. These snake don’t seem to be designed in a similar vain to Rykard, and they are relatively normal sized snakes. This could be calling back to the tale of Adam and Eve, fusing the first and second part of the story together. Miquella is “biting the Apple” by splitting himself, unleashing his dark form in the creation of his counterpart.

Effectively, the game will have to tell us if this is a cure or curse for Miquella. We have to remember, this game likes alliterative names to show relationships. Messmer starts with ‘m’ like marika, morgott, mohg, malenia, and miquella, so it’s safe to suggest that he is a spawn of Marika in some sense.

I don’t claim this theory doesn’t have some holes, like why would Messmer’s irises be similar to the ones shown in Rykard’s followers, and there are plenty of reasons that this character could be separate from anyone else in the story as well.

Anyway.. do discuss in the comments! At any rate, this character will be really fun to meet and fight, so do share your opinions on him here if you wish.