Anyone else cant stand people who take themselves so seriously?
Like pretentious award winning college students that talk like they are Barrack Obama. Like any of us can do that bro. Doesn’t make you special, just makes other ppl feel like they need to adapt to your little competition fantasy. Idk how to explain it really but I see past people’s facade so quickly and I can’t stand it. Like we are all humans, why do some people act in a way like they are above you? It does no good for anyone. I prefer to see someone in a position of success that is real and authentic, perhaps a bit silly. Someone who isn’t cherishing their spot with their whole identity. But appreciates the real benefits of their lifestyle. Tbh that’s why someday I want to be successful and be given praise but continue to be who I am today, the same person. But it is hard to have that dedication given that I am not doing it for ego reasons. Idk man.