I don't get the hate for infinites/tutors...

I'd like to preface this by saying that I think one of the most important things for any game of magic (or, casual magic at least) is to make sure everyone at the table is fully aware of the expectations in terms of power level. If I'm playing a scary deck and you're playing a precon I need to make sure you're going to have as much fun as I will (which might still happen, not everyone plays this game to win).

It seems like everyone I talk to outside of my LGS can't stand tutors and infinite combos, and I don't get it. I started playing magic as a teenager and built all kinds of super janky non-meta decks that would maybe go 1-2 on a good night at my local FNM standard tournament. I recently got back into the game and built a tier 7/8 commander deck stuffed some of my favorite cards and mechanics, and I can honestly say it's the most fun I've ever had with this game next to drafting MoM. Most people at my LGS play similar power level decks and the games are nice quick battles of wits and luck where we're each trying to shut one-another down while advancing our own combos instead of 2+ hour long slug fests.

No real judgement, it's a game after all and everyone should enjoy it as they see fit. However, it seems to me, that if you're playing higher tier magic and don't have answers for your opponent's combos in your deck, you built your deck wrong, and that back-and-forth of plays and answers is where the real fun comes from for me.