Former E9X owners, what car did you graduate to after you had to get rid of yours? I feel as though that time may be coming soon.
I guess to start, I do not want to get rid of mine, I love it, and is easily the best car I’ve ever driven and I’ve worked for two dealerships and have driven a lot of different cars. I unfortunately have a really strong attachment to it.
It’s just shy of 250,000 miles on a modded and tuned 335i. Absolutely amazing car, but I noticed a tiny bit of metal in the oil filter this last change and sent off some to Blackstone. You couldn’t see if with your eye, but, I scraped a few folds and found a tiny amount of small flakes. So depending on what that is, is going to determine if I change cars or not.
I’ve considered just doing an engine swap, which while I do have the tools and skills to do it, it will be a major pain in the ass especially since I’ll have to pull it from the top since no lift.
I’ve considered buying another 335i, but I have done SO much maintenance stuff to mine and I really am just scared of inheriting someone else’s bullshit. I was the second owner of mine, previous owner serviced only at the dealership, and taken very well care of. Bone stock. Hasn’t thrown a CEL in years, no lights on the dash… etc. I have years of tech experience and have done all work myself.
WRX STi’s look like a blast to drive, but going from the amazing exhaust tone of the straight 6 to a 4 banger, plus most STis being abused blows.
Considered a new Supra but they’re a little pricey and I’m not sure if I want to spend that much. Same with a few year old M2, M3, or M4.
I feel like nothing will really fill the shoes that the E92 has, but let me know what you ended up moving on to when that time came.