Felt like I was being levitated by an evil spirit

Bro this was terrifying. Happened a few minutes ago. I'm a bit sick rn so that might be why I'm having weird dreams, but this was crazy. I fell into a bit of a light sleep, but in the dream, I was in my room but it was a whole different setup of the room. I was lying in my bed, ready to sleep, but I started thinking about all these negative thoughts about myself. And then, (in the dream) I heard a whisper in my ear from a female voice. I started praying (still in the dream), even though I'm not religious but when I started praying, I saw the face of a girl when I closed my eyes. It was scary asf. And to top it all off, I felt like my feet and legs were being levitate. That's when I had yo really force myself to wake up. My heart was racing god damn. Anyone know what this means or have had similar experiences?