Daima: Episode 20 Summary

Based on the raws, so some information might be updated once the subs come out:

-Goku fights Gomah as a SSJ4

-He is really powerful, hits Gomah hard and keeps powering up. He also at some point uses something similar to SSJ Grade 2 but for SSJ4.

-Gomah keeps healing, but Goku keeps improving. At some moments he does a primal version of UI dodges (just dodging really fast).

-To end the fight, Goku fires a Kamehameha that destroys the barrier between the realms. Basically his Kamehameha was so powerful that it broke the Demon realm. His pierces Gomah with it.

-Piccolo hits Gomah twice in the back of the head but he is unable to strike the third hit because Gomah reacted.

-Gomah powers up again and creates a lightning barrier. Everyone tries to attack, but they are hit. Kuu is the only one that passes the barrier and hits Gomah 3 times.

-The third eye is removed and Glorio destroys it.

-Gomah goes back to normal, he is then captured and after that Marba and Arinsu liberate Degesu only to trap him and Gomah in a genie like bottle.

-The gang is then gathered in what appears to be the 3rd Demon realm. Kuu is crowned the Demon King and he starts appointing people (Arinsu, Marba, Kadan, Duu, Glorio, etc).

-The gang prepares to leave the Demon realm and say Goodbye.

-Vegeta is angry that Goku has another transformation, Goku officially calls it SSJ4 and says he might have gotten it after the events of the Buu saga.

-Vegeta says that his form is not SSJ3 but Ultra Vegeta 1.

-Vegeta says that this is a Super Saiyan Bargain Sale

-The episode ends with scenes of the other Z fighters in their regular life.


-While on their way to go back to Earth. Goku suggest stopping by to get more bugs.

-They stopped and are met with the cashier that recognizes Goku when he was a Kid in the Demon realm.

-The gang finds more bugs they can buy.

-The cliffhanger is that the gang finds out that there are more Evil Eyes around and anyone can get them.