Black characters in season 3

Am I the only one who was massively disappointed by the 3 dark skinned characters? Like I was excited to see black people in Dr stone then we get introduced to a cave man woman eating a chicken leg 🍗 in like every single scene she's in. 😂 Like wtf Dr stone? What y'all tryna say about black women haha. Then on try 2 the give us an wimpy cornball in love with a emo white chick who doesn't even know he exist, and on their last try they give cliche Mr. T bald loud mouth stereotype black guy. Like common y'all, y'all made the first two Americans the coolest characters in he show and just made the black characters a bunch of goofballs. We couldn't get a killmonger type a dude or a athlete to match senkus powerhouses, hell I wouldve been happy with a rapper. Idk am I tripping? Or better yet "Am I wrong?"

Edit season 4 oops lol

Edit 2: wasnt trying to trigger you guys jeez 😂 relax just pointing out something silly, your safe no one's going to cancel you lmao