How long will this misstake called "immortal draft" be around?

It's just a tool for those who want to abuse the MMR system.

The game starts, the opponent hit double down button, and my muerta goes to feed mid before creeps starts run. Then it turns out they are in a party.

My recent game: 8163309895

How long will this last? The quality of the matches I play after switching to Immortal Draft decreases rapidly the higher I go. I find myself in games like this more and more often, sometimes on the winning side, sometimes on the losing side.

Valve, please do something about this. This behavior can be tracked automatically. Or forbid groups from being on different teams.

You can also just move the immortal draft threshold, since 6500 mmr is currently objectively low considering the max ranks are fast approaching 18,000.

I really really love Dota as a cool tactical game, but cases like this make me think about quitting it.