How to deal with the loss of my table
Hey y'all, I recently had a ttk (total table kill) and have lost my group to dm for. They were all close friends of mine but because of a problem player in the group, it all fell apart.
To start, I have been dming this campaign for about 2.5 years for some long time irl friends and along the way there were for sure some bumps and obstacles to jump through, but overall it went pretty smoothly. That was until last session when one of my players (let's call him the warlock) decided to attack a friendly NPC and deceived the party about a plan on what to do with this artifact that they had just found. This behavior, unfortunately, isn’t new, and has been happening for a couple of sessions now. Needless to say, everyone was frustrated with the Warlock’s behavior and at the end of the session, the party was in a terrible spot with most of the factions in the campaign. On top of this, the Warlock seemed pleased by this outcome and even made numerous rude comments towards me, including “Have you learned your lesson yet dm? Maybe from now on you'll stop planning”.
This really irked me. My assistant DM posted on this sub to get some advice about this situation, and lots of comments suggested talking to him, or kicking him if necessary. So, the next day I decided to get on the phone with them and tell them to tone down the chaos and to not make comments like that against me. He promptly exploded and began swearing at me. I then warned him that if he continues to speak to me that way that I will remove him from the campaign. He calmed down a bit and we began to actually work things out until right before we finished our call, he threatened me and said, “If you ever talk to me like that again, we’re gonna have a serious f-ing problem”. I lost my temper a bit and flat out said that if he keeps making choices that f things up for the campaign then he’s done and hung up the phone.
I spoke to the other players individually about what had happened and they all said that they were frustrated with his behavior and that they supported me by confronting them and warning them. (this will be important later)
After a few days, I decided to reach out and text him. I reiterated that my intention was never to threaten him with a kick– I wanted to focus on changing his behavior, and meant it more as a warning. It only escalated to that because of how rude and hostile he was. He then responded by flipping everything back on me and saying that I owed him an apology and that he will no longer be playing at our table. He then went into the table’s group chat and said that he will no longer be playing because I threatened him and promptly left the group chat before anyone could respond.
This put me in a terrible mood and I sent screenshots of my attempt to get level with the Warlock because I felt like I needed to defend myself which in hindsight was never really necessary. Everyone had read my message as well as the Warlock’s and proceeded to be completely radio silent for hours after. No one called to check on how I was doing and to offer support or even their thoughts on what had just happened, and after some time, I decided to ask why nobody was saying anything.
The very same people that said that they had my back proceeded to say that I was in the wrong for this and that it was my fault for confronting them and causing this whole debacle. Honestly I lost my mind and felt betrayed and proceeded to argue with them about how that's not ok and that it was really not cool how they didnt have my back at all in this. When I asked for a solution on what to do one of my players said to not do anything and to let it happen, “I'd rather have them around than to lose them over some game”. Even when I pointed out that his behavior was disruptive to the game and the players, and he blew up on me for pointing this out, they remained firm. That was the final straw for me and I left all of our group chats. They then proceed to dog pile and blame me over discord and how I needed to apologize to the Warlock for all of this. Needless to say I was very upset and confused. It felt like everyone just turned on me because I decided to stand up for myself and not take disrespect from somebody, who mind you, has repeatedly had outbursts like this with everyone else in the friend group.
It's been a few days since this all went down and I have spoken to some of the players individually and some have apologized for the way they acted and some said how I needed to reconcile with the Warlock and how they wished that we had just dropped DND altogether a year ago if it meant that this would happen. Which really hurts to hear because I have put hours of my time as well as hundreds of dollars to plan and create this thing for them, only to have them blame that instead of the Warlock’s terrible behavior.
At this point I know that the campaign that I have been running is over and I have begun the process of talking to some other friends and trying to organize a group but my heart just feels very heavy and I don't really know how I can keep playing DND after all of this. This is two years of work, I’ve gotten very attached to the story and their characters, and it’s very hurtful.
Does anyone have any advice on how to continue this amazing hobby after such an awful fallout with a group?
Tl;dr: The problem player gets confronted and throws a tantrum, the rest of the table blames me for them leaving, and I end up leaving the friend group because I was being treated with disrespect and manipulation.