why older siblings SUCK
As the youngest sibling of my family, I have to say, my older siblings SUCK. They bully me. I live for their entertainment. It has died down a bit over the years, but when I was around 5, 6, 7, and 8, my older brother would twist my arm to the point of it breaking, IF I wasn't double jointed. (THANK YOU GOD) My older brother also would punch me for NO reason at all at random times, and when my parents would come into the room my brother would say "HE DID IT! HE PUNCHED ME FIRST!" And as I cried all of the times, I said "HE PUNCHED ME FOR NO REASON!" And guess what? I WAS THE ONE THAT GOT ALL OF THE THINGS I ENJOYED TAKEN AWAY. NOT HIM. EVEN THOUGH HE FUCKING ALMOST BROKE MY ARM LIKE 10 TIMES AND BULLYS ME EVERYDAY! Onto my sister, she mainly bullied and hurt me when my brother was doing it, she just kinda tagged along. When I was 4 we set up a campfire in our yard, at night (around 9:30) Then, when the campfire burned out my brother and sister ran inside and locked me out after saying "THE GHOSTS ARE GONNA GET YOU!" Me crying and yelling because I was scared because of my dumb 4 year old mind, "LET ME IN!!!!!" My sister really didn't do much besides messing with me when I was young, She sometimes punches me for NO reason, but rarely. but I FUCKING HATE MY OLDER BROTHER I HOPE HE DIES AND NO ONE CARES ABOUT HIM DYING THAT IS HOW MUCH I FUCKING HATE HIM