Should I upgrade.

Should I upgrade?

  1. The first photo is my 1.6 carat I already own and wear almost everyday.
  2. The second photo is the same 1.6 carat and a 1.25 oval ring. The ring hasn't been made on a setting yet. This is just a diamond trial ring. I don't know how to call it.
  3. Third photo is 2.5 carat I'm thinking of upgrading to. Should I?
  4. The 4th photo is 2.5 carat oval that I'm thinking of upgrading to and a 2 carat marquise. Should I upgrade the oval or should I upgrade to the marquise or not at all? Which one look better on me?
  5. The last photo is the 2.5 carat stud and 2.5 carat ring.

I have quite a small ring finger. It's 47 or us4. I can't decide.