Should I upgrade.
Should I upgrade?
- The first photo is my 1.6 carat I already own and wear almost everyday.
- The second photo is the same 1.6 carat and a 1.25 oval ring. The ring hasn't been made on a setting yet. This is just a diamond trial ring. I don't know how to call it.
- Third photo is 2.5 carat I'm thinking of upgrading to. Should I?
- The 4th photo is 2.5 carat oval that I'm thinking of upgrading to and a 2 carat marquise. Should I upgrade the oval or should I upgrade to the marquise or not at all? Which one look better on me?
- The last photo is the 2.5 carat stud and 2.5 carat ring.
I have quite a small ring finger. It's 47 or us4. I can't decide.