Kamala needs to have a interview or something soon, or can anyone link me recent ones shes had

Perhaps she has some planned out but she has a tight schedule or shes waiting for the DNC but regardless, this talking point is getting larger day by day and it is the only actual talking point that doesn't come from absolute schizoid maga brains. I implore anyone to search up on youtube 'kamala interview' or 'kamala talking to media' anything really, and if you can link at least 3 from the last month then ill admit that i'm schizo and dumb.

Now the problem I have with kamala not having any interviews or sufficient talks with the media is that its setting a larger spotlight for the next time she does do a talk with anyone, making any potential fuck ups in that interview to be seen by more people than expected. The even bigger problem I have though is that trump plans to do a fox debate on sept 4th whether or not kamala wants to, and regardless of what you think, it will set the idea that kamala is scared and the worst case scenario is that she ends up having her first major serious appearance at the abc debate while already being seen by scared by people and she somehow during the debate messes up, essentially leaving a lot of people to claim that this was why she was scared. I think this would be enough to hurt her and even potential stop her momentum fully, trump only making it worse by potentially showin up to the nbc debate 2 weeks later.

I want her to fully crush this talking point sooner than later, leaving her full proof as well as leaving the republicans/trump fully stumped.