Destiny is 100% based on the middle class takes, people don’t actually know how it feels to be poor

If you don’t want to watch the TikTok, it’s basically the girl from Dave Ramsey reacting to a guy adding up expected expenses and claiming that with a reasonable lifestyle, 70k a year salary will “only” leave you with $650 left a month. He then claims that 120k is the new minimum for middle class. The woman is smiling, clearly because she thinks the original TikTok is ridiculous.

There is an incredible amount of disconnect between youth and what a reasonable income looks like. Acting as if $650 a month extra, after EVERYTHING, including $300 on “date nights” and “$600 on food” (??), is so far from low class that it’s laughable. The reality is no single people are buying houses at a 74k salary per year, and that has never been the reality of an incredibly long time.