Setting boundaries with my friend... why am I feeling guilty?

Half venting, half asking for advice... sorry for the long text. So I dated this guy. We hit it off, but eventually, things went downhill after he kissed me, and I refused to have sex (too early for me). He stood me up on my birthday, and after a failed call we couldn't have, he ghosted me.

At this point, I should have understood that he wasn't right for me, but I always tried to understand his situation and how hard was to have 2 jobs at the same time (or so he said that).

He came back right before Christmas with a long, easay-like message about how he was a coward, insecure, and wanted a second chance to start from zero and make things right. I felt horrible for him since I have anxiety, and I know how things are when you deal with this stuff, so I gave him a chance.

Long story short, after +3hrs talk, we agreed to be friends (his suggestion) but with no benefits (my condition), although he said he was still attracted to me. For almost 3 weeks, we talked almost every day. It should have been amazing, hut it wasn't. Like in the call, he was evasive. Over these weeks, he was hot and cold. Sometimes flirting, other times asking a lot of questions about my day but ignoring my questions about his day. Sometimes ignoring my messages. Other times, he would just be so pushy to have a convo (over text, not phone) with me in that moment. Playing with the idea of meeting again but changing topics or acting as if the conversation never existed right before setting day and hour.

This week, I was tired. I couldn't help but feel like I was confused and didn't know how to react with him. It seemed we were in a passive-aggressive pull and push. I tried to call him to come clean and fix what neededto be fixed, but he didnt answer despite being online, then he would just act nonchalant making a joke (excuse me ma'am, what can i help you?). So, I decided to set boundaries last Friday.

Despite everything, I really valued our initial connection, so I sent a message saying i really cared for our conection and knew this dynamic was not healthy for neither of us. I really wanted to understand him and that's the reason I tried to talk with him. The most important thing for me was to avoid resentment on each side. If he ever wanted to talk things through, I was here for him.

He suddenly acted interested in missing our connection, but he kept repeating that he didn't know what changed or what was wrong. I tried to explain that it was about his evasiveness, but at the end, he just said "I don't know when I was like that. But let's talk about your day instead"

I said i would be happy to do so after we solved this, but he just stopped answering. At all. I think he ghosted me again.

It's hard. Im feeling like I've been dramatic out of nowhere. Sometimes I reread our conversations and feel like I did the right thing, but still feel guilty like maybe I should have waited, or I should have done that in a different way. I feel so guilty of having ending this in this way... I feel an urge to compensate, like if a did something wrong.

I was so anxious that i even talked with my therapist (before her time off) and showed her the conversation and she confirmed he was evasive and should put distance... but why am I feeling like the one who did dirty here?