What is your Zealot?

What is your Zealot playstyle and weapon loadout? Zealot is easily the best versatile class in the game being extremely good at melee and ranged combat. At the moment I’m basically running a mix between melee and range Zealot and my weapons are the Thunder Hammer and Spearhead Boltgun. I also use Immolation Grenades.

My weapons that I switch between are

Thunder Hammer


Purgation Flamer

Braced Autogun

Double Barrel Shotgun

Spearhead Boltgun

I mainly use range weapons for smaller numbers and general combat but switch to my melee for better crowd control and hordes. The Dash ability and immolation grenades help in crowd control and stunning enemies if you need a moment.

What is your Zealot playstyle and weapon loadout? Zealot is easily the best versatile class in the game being extremely good at melee and ranged combat. At the moment I’m basically running a mix between melee and range Zealot and my weapons are the Thunder Hammer and Spearhead Boltgun. I also use Immolation Grenades.

My weapons that I switch between are

Thunder Hammer


Purgation Flamer

Braced Autogun

Double Barrel Shotgun

Spearhead Boltgun

I mainly use range weapons for smaller numbers and general combat but switch to my melee for better crowd control and hordes. The Dash ability and immolation grenades help in crowd control and stunning enemies if you need a moment.