My very first mod and Reddit post
I finally decided to try DDLC modding. This will be a very short demo, because I wanted to make something that would be very easy for me to digest, so apologies if it's too short for some people.
The rest of the mod will hopefully come out soon, I just need to keep learning Renpy.
I'm really nervous because of how toxic people can be, so, please be gentle, I'm new to this.
Mod can be downloaded here
Synopsis: MC has had feelings for Natsuki since he joined the club a few weeks before, but today he's finally decided to try and ask her out. Can he work up the nerves to do it?
Edit: When I said that people can be toxic, I was talking sometimes about Reddit. I'm in no way necessarily talking about anyone here, this subreddit is probably one of the least toxic subs I've been in!