What would you like to see in a mod

ok so i'm tired because most the mods that are Natsuki focused end with her being dead or the story is fucking bad, so I decide to make a mod by myself, I only have a provisional name for the mod, don't know how to draw to make CGs BGs or sprites, how to code so I'm learning from tutorials and I don't have an history right now but I want to know what things you like and dislike in a mod so whatever this leads to ( If i finish the mod) don't be the kind of mod who nobody likes.

It's probably gonna be in Spanish because I don't speak english very well but if I take the time to finish the mod i will try to make a traduction or let someone else to do it.

ok so i'm tired because most the mods that are Natsuki focused end with her being dead or the story is fucking bad, so I decide to make a mod by myself, I only have a provisional name for the mod, don't know how to draw to make CGs BGs or sprites, how to code so I'm learning from tutorials and I don't have an history right now but I want to know what things you like and dislike in a mod so whatever this leads to ( If i finish the mod) don't be the kind of mod who nobody likes.

It's probably gonna be in Spanish because I don't speak english very well but if I take the time to finish the mod i will try to make a traduction or let someone else to do it.