Idea for a gender mod that's been bouncing around my brain
I've never modded before but I have an idea for a mod that has grabbed me. However, I feel it is too complex for a first mod project so I decided to write it up here in case any experienced modders want to give the idea or go.
As a trans person, the lack of gender nonconformity in ck3 disappoints me. Its kinda boring that all female characters present themselves as perfectly feminine and all male characters present themselves as perfectly masculine. So Ive been thinking of a new mechanic to address that. Im thinking that it could work like this: every 5 years of their life, starting at age 5, a character rolls a small chance to get a debuff called "gender dysphoria", which would be split into a 1% chance for minor gender dysphoria (im thinking same stats as melancholy) and a .5% chance for major gender dysphoria (melancholy but -3 for all stats maybe). Once a character has gender dysphoria, they can take a decision to address it, choosing from a handful of flavor options with a different set of options for minor and major. The options will remove the dysphoria debuff, instead replacing it with a trait. For minor dysphoria, the replacing trait would be either "effeminate" (for men) or "masculine" (for women), giving an opinion malus of -10 (-20 for zealous characters) and a decrease to stress gain (as well as a third modifier based on which flavor option you picked). For major dysphoria, you would choose between the trait "part time crossdresser" and "full time crossdresser." Part time crossdresser reduces your major dysphoria to minor, gives an opinion malus of -15 (-30 to zealous characters), a stress gain reduction, it would count as an imprisonment reason for religions that are not gender equal and do not have deviancy at accepted, and it would provide a health boost to counteract the health penalty from minor dysphoria. Full time crossdresser removes the dysphoria debuff, has a -30 malus (-100 for zealous), significant stress gain reduction, a health and fertility boost, and it would count as an execution/title revocation reason.
What do yall think? Does this sound like a feasible project? I would especially love to see this integrated into After the End, as a lot of AtE cultures and religions are designed to be queer friendly