warfare in these games is far too formal

this applies to both ck2 and ck3 btw. i love these games but the warfare just seems incomplete. as in, you can only declare wars with a strict casus belli and upon getting your warscore you either win your set claim or you don't. as a defender, winning a war nets you (essentially) nothing. this was NOT how warfare worked at all in the medieval era. the angevin period from 1154 to 1204 between England and France is a good example of this. they would just sort of march armies against each other and take shit and negotiate fluid treaties and compromise one what one another kept/lost, and there was none of this 5 year truce bollocks after EVERY war. it just feels a bit limited to me? and in my opinion it limits how often you can be at war or leading armies and also limits the reasons to go to war and makes everything seem really formal and a bit robotic? wanna hear thoughts about this. im wondering if anyone knows of any mods that attempts to address this kind of stuff?