How to get my crayfish to trust me?

Hi yall, I recently (about a month ago) got my first crayfish, he's albino. He's super angry most of the time, but eats perfectly fine. I've been introducing my hand for the past week (leaving my hand in the tank with food on it) but he refuses to even look my way. Or, if he does, it's with pincers clicking, ready to grab me. Sometimes he "sprints" at my hand, startling me and I move. Any tips? I'd like to eventually be able to pick him up and put him on my desk for interactivity, but I don't want to stress him out any more than he already is. Any help is appreciated, ty

Edit: Wow okay, it seems I was greatly misinformed. The guy who convinced me to get my crayfish does lives all the time where he picks them up and interacts with them, and I never noticed any crazy stress indicators. I will not be taking mine out the tank, nor will I be picking him up unless necessary for his health. Thanks for the education guys, I appreciate the respectful tones and genuine advice. Stay safe!