Long Ass Rant About C09 Genderswap (supporter)

TLDR: Sad that people were probably bullied too much to expand on the idea.

IMAGES/POSTS USED: u/Ghostly_Sparky, u/dont_Borsch, u/KotoriDarling, u/LtLemonade

MAIN TEXT: I'm back with the Genderswap talk. D0n’t l̷ook ̶@ 1t it has been a HOT minute since I posted anything about it. I remember when I made my first post about it as a joke, and I got a CRAZY amount of upvotes for it. After that, I made a couple more posts expanding on the idea, and I started seeing people make their own fanart and fanfiction for the idea, and it was a lot of fun seeing other people liked the Genderswap AU too.

But then there were those who felt genuinely insulted by the idea. And it created some pretty hard discourse in the subreddit. There were women/girls posting and commenting on how it "r̷u̵in̷e̸d th3 g̷@me," like it was some taboo idea that no one was allowed to talk about.

I can understand why there are those who feel grossed out by the idea. Making them into guys h3 pl@nn̛3d th1s @ll @l0ng, DOES change the theme of the story. And it also would mean that the usual stuff Nicole and Jecka would do to guys what their Genderswap counterparts would do to women, meaning abuse, misogyny, and a story that basically glorifies mistreating women. And I do not condone that at all.

If somebody wanted to make a fanfiction that talks about these ideas, the way the characters would get away with stuff would have to change, being that they don't at all. What makes an evil male character likable is that they do horrible things that are funny in hindsight, but they get punished for it and go back to square one. One example of this is the gang from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

But I also think that the focus on the themes was not what people's intention were when they made fanart or fanfiction. I think that people just wanted to see male versions of Nicole, Jecka, and the other girls get into funny scenarios, or just have fun drawing or thinking of other ideas. But regardless of that, there were those, especially me, who got comments arguing against the idea. Even I’m d̶¥1n̴g, go as far as to say bullied.

Yes, if Nicole and Jecka were genderswapped and mistreated women all the time with little to no consequence, it would not be fun to watch. But people should still be allowed to play around with the idea, and try to come up with different ways to expand upon it. That is after all how new stories begin.

I am seeing every now and then someone posting fanart and stuff, but it doesn’t happen very often, and I’m worried it’s because people didn’t want to get bullied or harassed for it. And that really upsets me.

People should be able to play around with ideas. Any idea. There are those who are capable of being disrespectful with some concepts, but unless that is abundantly clear intention-wise from the artist, writer, or fanatic of any kind, then I just think it's wrong t̛0 r͞ûi̸n their spirits for being creative.