[Recruiting] Titans2.0 | #2PP9UUU8Y | Champs 1, Champs 2, Champs 3 | Competitive but Chill War clan | TH 17 only
Titans2.0 is Recruiting!
Looking for strong attackers but more importantly, looking for hungry learners to grow with us.
Breakdown of the clan...
- Titans2.0 is the Champs 1 clan
- Requires all heros up for war and equipment at a decent level (aka close to max)
- FC upon entry
- Regular FC for practice
- CH 10 with >>1600 raid medals
- LL pushers (strongly encouraged)
- TH 17 only
- Ninja Club is the Champs 2 clan
- Requires hero up wars and can have low equipment
- No FC upon entry
- FC for practice
- CH 9
- TH 17 and down (up to TH 15 if close to max)
We are looking for people who are chill and want a healthy environment to learn together.
We also have an Esports Team with an active manager. Must FC with the team first. All are welcomed!
We have Champs 1, Champs 2, and a Champs 3 Clan for CWL. For those with alts or lower TH friends, we also have a Masters 2 clan.
Both clans always war and max CG
Hope to see you soon and happy clashing!
https://link.clashofclans.com/en?action=OpenClanProfile&tag=2PP9UUU8Y (Titans2.0)